
  • General Graduate Forms

    Change of Admission semester

    FOR New graduate students
    PURPOSE To defer a student’s admission to a future semester. 

    Program of Study Change Form

    FOR All current graduate students. 
     If there is a change in program of study, this form needs to be submitted.

    Degree Audit Exception Form

    FOR All current graduate students whose program is on the   Star-Audit  system. 
     If there is a change in Star-Audit, this form needs to be submitted.

    Transfer of Credit Form

    FOR All current graduate students.
     Transfer credits from another university.

    Request for Letter of Completion

    FOR Doctoral, Masters, and Educational Specialist Students.
     If a student’s employer requests proof of completion of course work, a student may need this form.

    Graduate Assistant Part-Time Enrollment Waiver

    FOR   Graduate Assistants enrolled in less than 9 credit hours.
     Waiver of the requirement that Graduate Assistants be enrolled in 9 graded credit hours per semester .

    Leave of Absence

    FOR All current graduate students.
    Students who are working on advanced degrees and have an interruption in studies should request a leave of absence.

    *All leave of Absences should be requested as soon as possible depending on circumstances. If request was not fulfilled, students must re-apply to the University after 1 academic year.

    Application for Degree (Diploma) — Log into your   MyNMSU.
    Once logged in, click the Student tab > Quick Links > Student Records.
    Near the bottom of the list you’ll find the Application for Degree (Diploma) link. Follow the on screen prompts to submit your application.

    FOR   All current graduate students.   ( Required)  
    To have your college certify/award your degree. For more information please contact  or call 575.646.4796.
    NOTE  The application cost is $45. Students filing an “Application for Degree (Diploma)” after the deadline will be charged an additional $50 fee. The Degree Application cannot be waived, refunded or carried to a future semester. Each application submission will incur an additional fee. The Graduate School will not approve Applications for Degrees after the late fee deadline has been reached.

  • Doctoral Forms

    Doctoral Qualifying Examination Form

    FOR   For students who enter the Graduate School with little or no previous graduate experience, but wish to proceed directly to the doctorate.
    NOTE  The qualifying examination should be taken after 12 credits of graduate work. Upon passing the qualifying examination, the student will be admitted to the doctoral program.

    Program of Study and Committee for Doctoral Students

    FOR  All Doctoral students.
      A student needs to submit this, showing courses to be taken and courses  currently being taken to fulfill requirements for program.

    Doctoral Dissertation Title Submission Form

    FOR   All Doctoral students.
    PURPOSE Doctoral students need to complete this form when completing paperwork for degree application. The information supplied on this form is used by the Registrar’s Office to include the doctoral student in the commencement ceremony program.   The student must be listed in the program to be part of the ceremony.

    Doctorate of Education Examination Form

    FOR Doctoral Students (Doctorate of Education).
    A student needs to submit this in order to sit for their examination.
    NOTE   Exam form must reach Graduate School Office at least 10 working days   before  the date of the exam.

    Doctorate of Philosophy Examination Form

    FOR Doctoral Students (Doctorate of Philosophy).
    A student needs to submit this in order to sit for their examination.
    NOTE Exam form must reach Graduate School Office at least 10 working days  before the date of the exam.

    Professional Doctorate Examination Form

    FOR Doctorate of Nursing Practice, Doctorate of Economic Development, and Doctorate of Education. 
    A student needs to submit this form in order to sit for their examination.

    College of Engineering Ph.D. Publication Requirement Form

    FOR Doctorate Students in the College of Engineering.
    PURPOSE The form documents the requirements to publish, and must be completed and attached to the Doctorate of Philosophy Examination Form.

  • Educational Specialist Forms

    Program of Study and Committee for Educational Specialists

    FOR All Educational Specialists.  ( Required)
    PURPOSE  A student needs to submit this, showing courses to be taken and courses currently being taken to fulfill requirements for program.

    Degree Audit Exception Form

    FOR   Educational Specialists.
     If a student has had courses waived, but replaced them with other courses (if their courses differ from the online degree audit) This takes up to two weeks to process.

    Educational Specialist Examination Form

    FOR  All Educational Specialists.  ( Required)
    PURPOSE A student needs to submit this form in order to sit for their examination.

  • Master’s Forms

    Program of Study for Masters Students

    FOR  Master’s Students who do not have a degree audit
    PURPOSE  A student needs to submit this, showing courses to be taken and courses currently being taken to fulfill requirements for program.

    Degree Audit Exception Form

    FOR  Master’s Students
    PURPOSE  If a student has had courses waived and replaced them with other courses (if their courses differ from the online degree audit).
    NOTE  This takes up to two weeks to process.

    Masters Final Examination Form

    FOR All Master’s Students
    PURPOSE A student needs to submit this in order to sit for their examination
    NOTE Please turn in ten business days before examination date.

    Report of Written Exam Results for Masters Non Thesis Students

    FOR Master’s Non Thesis Students
    PURPOSE Advisers submit this in order to record   written  exam results for non thesis master’s students
    NOTE Students that have an oral master’s final exam will not use this form. This form is for students that are taking their final exam in a written format.

  • Certificate Program 

    Apply to receive your Graduate Certificate using the online degree application at

    FOR  Students receiving a graduate certificate and having been admitted into a graduate certificate program
    PURPOSE  A student needs to apply online in order to receive their certificate award

  • Master’s Accelerated Program

    Master’s Accelerated Program Policy
    Master’s Accelerated Form
    Master’s Accelerated Program Brochure

    FOR  Departments and students taking part in the Master’s Accelerated Program
    PURPOSE  prospective students will work with the department of prospective Graduate Program to receive advising and complete the Master’s Accelerated Program Form

  • Please visit NMSU Graduate School for award criteria.  Please contact Graduate School for further information.

    FOR  Departments and students to utilize toward the process of award nominations
    PURPOSE   Departments can  use forms to nominate students for various awards
